Toy Review: Leapfrog TAG

For about a month my daughter has been playing with her Leapfrog TAG, a gift from Leapfrog. And I'd have to say that she likes it. I'd have to say that the adults in her life don't. First, the kid's review:

She doesn't like the "I Spy" book that I picked out for her due to a lack of story. It really is a book where kids can look for a kitten in a cloudscape. I think she would have liked it better if there was a list of things to find for each page. She loves that page in "Highlights." Seriously, each month it comes in the mail and BAM! her pen is out and we have to stop what we are doing. Just looking for things without a list is not challenging for her.

She did like the "Ozzie and Mack" book, but more for the activities and games that go along with the book than reading the story itself. There is a game that asks kids to identify bugs within a timed period. Yes, my daughter is the timed challenge kinda kid. I have no idea where she gets that from! *looking away*

She's still in her drawing period meaning that she'd much rather be huddled over her box of crayons and drawing paper than almost anything else. Perhaps she'll be more into the TAG the more she plays with it. She does love her "National Geographic Kids" magazine and the first thing she goes for are the animal cards, so....I was happy to see that TAG has NG animal activity cards in the library.

Now the adults review:

My husband, our neighbor (who is part of the family), and I are still sticklers for the phonics way to learning to read. Yes, I know it's almost too old skool for school, but we're phonics peeps. Thus the fact that the TAG doesn't do phonics, but rather tries to get the kids to read words by sight is unsettling to us. And so far we haven't seen any results. Again, perhaps we'll see more in the future. AND who knows how her kindergarten curriculum will be. *sigh*

Overall, I'd say that it is a fun piece of equipment for the kid. I wouldn't say to run out and grab one if you want something to teach your kid to read. But she does have fun with the activities.

NOTE: I revisited this review on August 9, 2008.

Disclaimer: The only payment I received for this review was the TAG and two books.

Technorati tags: Leapfrog TAG, toy review

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