Love Your Body Day

October 15th is Love Your Body Day. It's a day of action sponsored by the NOW Foundation and many other organizations. Rosie of Hijas Americanas has a pledge & contest up on her site for those brave souls who take her pledge:

The Body Warrior Pledge

Because I understand that my love and respect for my body are metaphors of my love and respect for my self and soul, I pledge to do the following:

To stop berating my body and to begin celebrating the vessel that I have been given. I will remember the amazing things my body has given me: the ability to experience the world with a breadth of senses, the ability to perceive and express love, the ability to comfort and soothe, and the ability to fight, provide, and care for humanity.

To understand that my body is an opportunity not a scapegoat.

So jump on over to her site, read the rest, comment and love yourself.

It's not too late for you plan your own LYB event either!

And lastly, don't forget that VLF is participating in the DonorsChoose Blogger Challenge. We already have one class funded, let's get that second one funded!

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