Lilith Fair - Dream Team

My iPod is almost like a mini-Lilith Fair in that it's chock full of Sarah, Indigo Girls, Ani, Dixie Chicks, Catie Curtis and so forth. As I was driving home from work today, I was listening to Sarah McLachlan and her voice so fit the scene of a snowy Chicago. Oh, how I miss Sarah! And no, a greatest hits album isn't enough for me. (BTW - I have no idea how I thought I could get my hair to look like hers in this pic, but I tried!) But it got me thinking...if Sarah or someone else were to resurrect Lilith Fair, who would I want to be included?

So my dear readers, let's take a moment out of the hustle & bustle of the holidays and the insanity of politics. Who would you want to see in Lilith Fair - The Revenge? Did you ever scan the list of the kick ass women who did play Lilith Fair? Damn...edited to add: My choices include all the kick ass women from the actual tour.

My choices include:
  • Taylor Swift - Yeah, she's bubble gum country, but I think she could kick it
  • P!nk
  • Kelly Clarkson
  • I know I'm missing a ton, but I'm super tired right now.
Would being on the feminista tour help Brit Brit?

I love that the Lilith Tour website hasn't changed since 1999 and there's still a link to A moment of silence for chickmail y'all. I sooo miss that account.

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