Three great events coming up soon!
(1) The hilarious, whip smart and BFF of Viva la Feminista, Jennifer Pozner will be at Women and Children First on Sunday at 4:30 pm. Come hear Jennifer talk about her book Reality Bites Back. Considering that $nooki gets paid $32,000 to give a talk, come hear Jennifer for bus fare!
(2) She'll also be at NEIU on Monday at 4:15 pm.
(3) Thursday, April 7th the Working Women's History Project will will pay homage to the 100th anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire with an in-depth panel discussion and an original production.
6-8:30 pm "The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire at 100 and the Fight for Worker Safety and Justice Now"
6:00 - 7:00 Registration and Light Refreshments
7:00 - Program
Roosevelt University, 430 S Michigan, Congress Lounge 2nd Floor
Tickets held at door advance $25, at door $30, students free with ID
The play: "The Ninth Floor Door: Blocked Justice of the Triangle Fire" by Mary Bonnett. Performed by Mary Bonnett, Brigid Duffy*, Paul Odell, Andreah Santos, Alma Washington*, Ken Morris on guitar (*member of Actors' Equity)
The panel:
Moderator: Maribeth Anderson, Regional VP of ASSE
Louise Carr: OSHA Compliance Officer
Jo Ann E. Argersinger: author The Triangle Fire: A Brief History with Documents
Susan Hurley: Executive Director: Jobs with Justice
Q&A to follow
Co-Sponsors: Roosevelt University, Center for New Deal Studies, Roosevelt University SPEED, Chicago CLUW and the American Society of Safety Engineers.
Information: or 773-667-4690
(2) She'll also be at NEIU on Monday at 4:15 pm.
(3) Thursday, April 7th the Working Women's History Project will will pay homage to the 100th anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire with an in-depth panel discussion and an original production.
6-8:30 pm "The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire at 100 and the Fight for Worker Safety and Justice Now"
6:00 - 7:00 Registration and Light Refreshments
7:00 - Program
Roosevelt University, 430 S Michigan, Congress Lounge 2nd Floor
Tickets held at door advance $25, at door $30, students free with ID
The play: "The Ninth Floor Door: Blocked Justice of the Triangle Fire" by Mary Bonnett. Performed by Mary Bonnett, Brigid Duffy*, Paul Odell, Andreah Santos, Alma Washington*, Ken Morris on guitar (*member of Actors' Equity)
The panel:
Moderator: Maribeth Anderson, Regional VP of ASSE
Louise Carr: OSHA Compliance Officer
Jo Ann E. Argersinger: author The Triangle Fire: A Brief History with Documents
Susan Hurley: Executive Director: Jobs with Justice
Q&A to follow
Co-Sponsors: Roosevelt University, Center for New Deal Studies, Roosevelt University SPEED, Chicago CLUW and the American Society of Safety Engineers.
Information: or 773-667-4690