CFP: One Day Conference:: Motherhood; Creativity In Theory & Practice
One Day Conference
Motherhood; Creativity In Theory & Practice
Museum Of Motherhood
Oct. 3, 2011
301 East 84th St. NYC (lower level), New York - USA
Conference will focus
on the concept of creativity through theory and practice within the
experience and study of motherhood. Conference presenters and
participants will develop an understanding of the creative process and how this has impact upon their professional and mothering identities.
We welcome submissions
from scholars, students, activists, artists, community agencies,
service providers, journalists, mothers and others who work or research
in this area. Cross-cultural, historical,
and comparative work is encouraged. We encourage a variety of types of
submissions including academic papers from all disciplines, workshops,
creative submissions, performances, storytelling, visual arts, film,
music, audio and other alternative formats.Topics include (but are not limited to):
Representing Maternal
creativity in Film, Video, Art, Music, and Theater; Theorizing
Motherhood and Representation; Race, Representation and Motherhood and
mobilizing voices through creativity; Maternal Ambivalence in visual
culture; Countering Media Discourses on Motherhood with Mother voices;
Maternal Loss, Depression, and Domestic Violence; Performing Feminist
Mothering in Practice and Expression; Mother Writer: Writing Motherhood;
Facilitating the Creative Family; A Culture of Creative Children;
Imaging LGBT Mothers and Maternity; "Late Bloomer" Art: Post-Maternal
Mother Artists; Representing Motherhood on the Internet; The Politics of
Motherhood and Spirituality in Music and Visual Culture;
Motherhood, Art, and Creativity; Healing and Creativity; The Performance
of the Maternal or Performing Motherhood; Mothering and Disability:
Producing New Paradigms of Normal; Motherhood in the News: Mothers as
Newsmaker and Creative Cultural Force; Documenting Motherhood: Maternal
Documentaries; Mothers, Motherhood and Photography; Behind the Camera:
Mothers as Filmmakers, Directors, Producers; Mother Musicians across
Musical Genres: Rock, Rap, Folk, Blues, Jazz, Country Narratives of
Creative Mothers: Moms who "Rock," Expressing: Imaging Breastfeeding
Mothers, Mommy Bloggers: Re-Writing Motherhood, etc.; Dealing with
(Post-partum) Depression by Making Creative Work; Pregnant moms;
Celebrity mothers; How images of fathers impact motherhood
representation; News media coverage of foster moms; Moms in politics;
teen mothers in film or television; advertising as aimed at pregnant/new
Moms; Mothers as consumers; Mothering and the representation of Class
and Transformation Through Creative Empowerment.
Please distribute widely! Museum of Motherhood One Day Conference CFP
Questions: l l 877.711.MOMS (6667)
Submit proposals at apply/