CFP: Seeking authors for chapters for "Mothering-Motherhood Across Differences in Maternal Subjectives/Experiences"

Demeter Press will be publishing an edited collection, A Reader, on Mothering-Motherhood Across Differences in Maternal Subjectives/Experiences. We have in place chapters on Latina Mothers, Aboriginal Mothers, Queer Mothers, Young Mothers and so forth. We are seeking chapters on the following mothers. Chapters will be approximately 25 pages in length and will explore theories on this particular group of mothers as well as the experiences of such mothers. The chapters will be due July 1, 2013. The  book will be published late 2013 or early 2014. If you are interested in writing a chapter on one of the following, please send a bio of your expertise on the topic by Jan 15, 2013 to Dr. Andrea O'Reilly, editor of the collection, Information on Demeter Press available on our site 

1) Older Mothers

2) Low Income/Poor Mothers

3) Single Mothers

4) Immigrant/Refuge/Migrant Mothers

5) Working Mothers

6) At-Home Mothers

Disclosure: I am getting a complementary membership to MIRCI and subscription to the journal in return for posting these updates. It is, however, something I would have agreed to do for free because I think their work is so wonderful.

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