Review: Nine for IX -- espnW's documentary series on women sports

Get your DVRs ready! Because ESPN is bringing us nine tales of women's sports this summer, Nine for IX. The series will premiere July 2 on ESPN and air consecutive Tuesday evenings at 8 p.m. each week.

To kick off the series, espnW is bringing us the short documentary, "COACH," about the legendary Rutgers coach, Vivian Stringer. It launches today, so I'm excited to learn more about this powerhouse. Scroll down to view it here! It's amazing. She is amazing.

But I am ECSTATIC about the full series. My daughter can't wait to watch the film on the '99ers. She just loves all things soccer and I hope to take credit for her admiration of Julie Foudy. 

I did watch the first half of the July 2nd film, "Venus Vs." and it was great. I'll have more to say after I finish watching it all as I have some issue with us always waiting for "that one champion" to push us towards equality. Well, like I said, more later. It should make a great companion to Serena's memoir.

Whether or not you have pledged to attend a women's sporting event, know a girl who plays, or is a season-ticket holder to a women's team, these films will be must-watch TV.

The air dates are as follows (listed with each film's director):

July 2: Venus Vs. (Ava DuVernay)
July 9: Pat XO (Lisa Lax and Nancy Stern Winters; produced by Robin Roberts)
July 16: Let Them Wear Towels (Annie Sundberg and Ricki Stern)
July 23: No Limits (Alison Ellwood)
July 30: Swoopes (Hannah Storm)
Aug. 6: The Diplomat (Jennifer Arnold and Senain Kheshgi)
Aug. 13: Runner (Shola Lynch)
Aug. 20: The '99ers (Erin Leyden; produced by Julie Foudy)
Aug. 27: Branded (Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady)

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