#365FeministSelfie - Day 50 & a mini-challenge!

The number 50 holds a special meaning in our society. 50th birthdays and anniversaries are golden.

Over the past 50 days, I have observed that our group is one of golden fierceness. 

A few days ago someone posted a photo of herself in a new bikini. And she is not rocking a typical bikini body either. She posted the photo along with a long note about how scared she was. Scared to be posting a photo of it for the world to see and scared at the thought of being on an actual beach in her bikini. But she knew in a few days she would...and with a smile. 

What amazes me about #365FeministSelfie pics like that are that I wonder how many of you know how fierce you really are. Yes, you might be scared, but you took that picture. Maybe 20. Then you hit publish. Back during the single digit days, I saw many tweets about how others supported this challenge in spirit, but were too scared to do it themselves. You in the photo, the one on day 5 of the flu? You might be scared, but you overcame it. I saw you. We saw you. 

To those who were/are too scared to join us, know that we share that fear. We understand it. And if you ever want to dive on in, we're here waiting to welcome you. But if you never do, we get that too. We still love you. 

I am starting to realize why people write self-help books. I threw one pebble into the world and the ripples back are intoxicating. When I see others love themselves a teeny bit more because of this project, I smile and sometimes cry. Our society is built to tell us how broken, fat, unsuccessful and ugly we are. And if this pebble helps remind you that those messages are bullshit, then that's all I could ever ask for. 

Mini-challenge: "50 is golden and shines" is the new theme for the next 10 days. Take a photo with something (yes, that something can be YOU!) that shines. Maybe a day when the sun is actually out during this harsh winter. Maybe you asked for something big & got it. Maybe an A on your term paper. Maybe a photo of you fresh from the salon with that "I just had my hair done!" shine. You know what I'm talking about. Maybe you saw your lil one do something that melted your heart. For the next 10 days, let's shine, #365FeministSelfie! 

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