Live blogging the National NOW Conference

I have four live blogging sessions set up thru CoveritLive for the conference. They will publish here a few minutes before each plenary starts. I'll still be on the road during the first plenary.

* Plenary II at 5:15 PM EST. Scheduled to speak: Barbara Ehrenreich, Lulu Flores and Danna Smith, Woman of Action Award
* Plenary III at 9:00 AM EST. Candidate Speeches
* Plenary IV at 1:45 PM EST. Political Institute. Scheduled to speak: Jennifer Brunner & Hon. Gwen Moore
* Plenary V at 4:45 PM EST. Scheduled to speak: Rev. Dr. Katherine Ragsdale, Dr. Julianne Malveaux and Kim Gandy

I may live blog some of the workshops and the candidate gatherings, but it's doubtful. Those may get more action on the twitter feed. Also, since the kid is coming with who knows what will happen.

Wanna see how I enjoyed past conferences? I've reposted my thoughts from my old dead blog for the 2007, 2006 and 2005 conferences.

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