Thor is the new face of breast cancer

It has been just over a year since the world was introduced to a new Thor...the woman who now wields the hammer. Earlier this year we found out that the new Thor is none other than Dr. Jane Foster. Added to this story line is the fact that Jane has breast cancer. When we catch up with Jane in The Mighty Thor she is in the middle of a chemo treatment.

The image of Jane at her treatment was a punch in the gut. I have far too many friends enduring that same routine. Another one was just added to that list. #FuckCancer can't be said enough. There is something about the images of Jane in the room with others receiving treatment that is just shocking. I am not sure what I thought the room actually looked like, but having never been in one, it was enlightening.

We see Jane go from dying cancer patient to unstoppable superhero. In a previous series we know that Jane will not accept magical cures. Chemo is her best chance to beat cancer's ass. There is a twist that I won't reveal here that puts Jane's ability to kick cancer's ass in jeopardy.

I really hope that we don't get an all pink issue of The Mighty Thor to mark this battle. The pinkification of breast cancer awareness is overdone. As one of my friends with breast cancer ranted during October, we are well aware of breast cancer. Buying pink things will not get us closer to a cure or prevention. But this issue is not full of pink. Rather I feel that this issue has given me one of the starkest views of breast cancer treatment that I have ever seen.

As I wrote yesterday, I moved to digital comics, so feel free to download the issue and read yourself. I would really love to hear from those who have fought or continue to fight breast cancer. Or perhaps it may be too triggering. One thing I know, we have a new face of breast cancer and she's gonna kick its ass.

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